The remote work conundrum
For every article or study I find that purports remote work to produce better results I see a counter argument that is equally well researched and supported.
So when leaders ask me for the truth, I say it depends on who you ask.
Why do 2 antagonistic positions on remote work exist.
“Your eyes see what your brain is looking for.”
If you believe that people are wasting time at home then you will find this evidence.
If you think people kick ass in their pajamas then you will find that evidence as well.
It’s like googling for a medical diagnosis. On the same day I can be perfectly healthy and also suffering from a terminal disease. So says Dr. Google.
This is particularly true if you have no baseline data on efficiency to compare the current experience to. I repeat—you must have data.
Most of us don’t have data. We just have a gut feeling.
So how do we address the need for high productivity in a
confusing environment??
Create a culture around productivity and results and you will experience that at home and in the office.
If you don’t have a producitvity culture, people will underperform at home and in the office.
Running a business that underperforms requires intense management.
And intense management always comes at the cost of great leadership.
When leaders are focused on external systems and enforcement to drive results they will not have time to inspire change and sustainable growth.
How do we create a culture of productivity and results?
1. Deploy a management system
I’m a big fan of EOS for small/mid-size business. But any tool that provides a structure and a process to set a vision, prioritize goals, measure success is a must. This creates cohesion within the business.
2. Reward transparency and communication
No one does better justice on this topic than Susan Scott in her book Fierce Conversations. I highly recommend all leaders read this book.
3. Anchor on holistic leadership
The BauerHouse philosophy of Holistic Leadership anchors on 3 Pillars:
***Self, Others, Results***
This is how we frame up the knowledge all leaders must have to create high performing teams and deliver results consistently.
We find that when these 3 things are present, an organization can thrive in a remote environment.
BauerHouse coaches are leadership experts. We believe that leaders shape the world at large and that’s a very big deal.
Nationwide, Flexible Scheduling, High Accountability Coaching