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LeadWell is an 8 week 1:1 Leadership Development Program

designed specifically for new people leaders who:

  • Have less than 3 years of leadership experience 

  • Have influence in a multi million $ organization

  • Are shifting from 'doer' to leader

  • Are seeking growth opportunities but need further development

The Program is Built on 3 Pillars of Leadership:


Pillar 1 (Self): Self Awareness, Purpose, Presence, Self-accountability, DISC assessment 

“We see the world not as it is, but as we are.” By understanding ourselves, we can learn to truly lead well. 

Pillar 2 (Others) Emotional Intelligence, Communication, Feedback, Accountability, Delegation, Trust, Developing others 

The Others pillar focuses on galvanizing and leading a healthy, collaborative team that can grow through change and adversity. 


Pillar 3 (Results) Problem Solving, Strategy, Time, Management, Performance Measurement, Change Management, Financial Analysis

Leaders will learn how to share and achieve a compelling vision by holding others (and self) accountable to goals. 

Leaders learn how to spearhead change rather than manage the chaos of change.


Leadership Assessment 

Every engagement begins with an executive consultation. In this meeting, we determine what is most important to the business. We then assess the new leader(s) and adjust the program to provide to most value to the leader and the business. 


This is unique to BauerHouse programs. We work with the business to tailor the coaching program. 

Curriculum Influence

Smart People

Simon Sinek, Patrick Lencioni, Susan Cain, Tony Robbins, Malcom Gladwell, Brene Brown, Byron Katie, Steven Covey, Jim Collins, Daniel Pink, John Wooden, John Maxwell, John Kotter, and many others. 


Timeless Concepts

Self Awareness, Presence, Communication, Feedback, Accountability, Delegation, Trust, Problem Solving, Strategy, Performance Measurement, Change Management, Financial Analysis

Why is it Effective?


LeadWell is 50% teaching on key concepts and 50% coaching. 

This is how we make the concepts real and meet our leaders where they are. Leaders will present real leadership issues each week.


The coach will guide the leader to a root cause and solution/action using the leadership tools and concepts taught in the program. 

This creates accountability and allows leaders to practice what they learn. 

Is there a group?

No, the program is 1:1 coaching with a dedicated coach. This results in maximum accountability to the program. 

What is the time commitment?

8 weeks of 1:1 Coaching 

All sessions are virtual and scheduling is flexible

**Select your preferred start date during registration. The program may be extended up to 2 weeks to accommodate missed sessions**  


What We Accomplish

Leaders will make the shift from "do-er" to leader. They will be able to prioritize effectively in a sea of competing needs, hold themselves and others accountable, take initiative, develop the strengths of their team, and confidently communicate with others. This translates to measurable success in organizations. 

None of this happens by accident.

Leadership development requires educationexposure, practice and reinforcement. 

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